3 Things I learned about the Friendship Shuffle

Here’s what I learned about the friendship shuffle:

1. You find out who is there for YOU and who is there for the booze. Listen, I know this can be a hard truth to learn, but it can be one of the most important. On my own journey, I found that there were a lot fewer people who fell into the “only wanted to hang with me to drink” camp than I was worried about, but there were still a couple. Now, I am grateful that l don’t need to spend my time drinking a class 1 carcinogen as a price for a friendship with no true foundation.

2. Your connections with your people grow to a new level. When booze is out of the way, and you begin to feel confident in who you are and what you value, true, deep bonds are formed. There are some friends I see a lot less, but there are others I know I can phone at the drop of a hat for a good cry if l’ve had a bad day or to share a special celebration with. There are friends I know I can text, “Hey, can you pray for me right now?” and they will. What a gift.

3. You make room for new friends. I have been so blessed to meet some incredible women. Chatting with my clients each day, the gals in Finding Freedom or the BJDW community gals, fills me up in a way I can’t explain. (If you’re looking for new community and connection just DM me because I’d love to share these special groups with you.)

So, my beautiful friend, if you’re worried about the friendship shuffle, then I want you to know that I truly understand. I was petrified of what changes to my friendship group might happen.

But the reality is, it was the biggest blessing. And I am so grateful for the shuffle.

Where are you at in your friendship shuffle? Still fearful? 🩷