Does Christmas Feel Calm? It Can.
I woke up this morning and felt an unfamiliar feeling associated with the days before Christmas.
This is my first sober Christmas where we are staying put, right here in London. No mad dash to the States. And it feels so lovely. I wrapped the last presents this morning, and now all I have to do is enjoy soaking up the next few days with my family.
I never thought this was what Christmas would feel like. I never thought it would be restful. I never thought it would feel nice just to sit by the Christmas tree, read a book and snuggle my dog without being desperate for a glass of wine.
There was a long while there where if you had told me that this feeling was possible, I would have told you that I didn't want it. The wine meant too much to me.
Until I was desperate for THIS feeling.
Until I was desperate to get back in control.
To regain my own clarity and to start truly feeling like myself again.
But when I was desperate for freedom, I wasn't sure if it was actually possible.
I had no idea if it was possible not to have wine in the driver's seat.
And so I want to encourage you today, my dear friend, especially because it's Christmas, that it's all possible.
You can get back in control.
You can feel hope again.
You can feel free.
You can feel calm.
You can feel like the YOU that somehow has gotten lost.
Thank you for being on this journey with me. I truly thank you for being here.
I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.