If sobriety doesn't meet your expectations....you can always go back to drinking.

If sobriety doesn't meet your expectations....you can always go back to drinking. 

But why not at least, try?! Like FOR REAL.

I’ve spoken to so many women this week about concerns over their summer vacation. I relate because I remember being nervous about going on my first alcohol-free beach trip.

If this is you, then I have a few crucial questions.

How many summer vacations have you gone on while downing Whispering Angel?

Probably a few.

How many summer trips have you gone on without drinking?
Is the answer zero?

Then how will you KNOW with certainty that the trip is going to be - boring...
not as fun....
that you’ll feel left out...
that your friends will judge you...

How do you know if any of that is really true if you haven’t tried it yet? 

Maybe it will be true.

In that case, guess what?!

You can always go back to downing the rosé next summer.

But maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance that this trip, without drinking, could be better.

Perhaps you’ll get to rest after a long day playing in the waves with your kiddos.

Maybe you’ll make so many memories (that you’ll, well, remember) that the brief temporary discomfort of turning down the margarita will be worth it.

Maybe you won’t need a vacation from your vacation.

Maybe. Maybe not.

You get to decide. (You have a choice, not a disease.)

If living alcohol-free isn’t all you want it to be, then you can always go back to drinking.

But you’ve got to have a real go at it first to fully empower yourself and be able to see the difference.

What are you assuming to be true about a summer vacation without alcohol?