Is alcohol hijacking your sleep?

If you starve a rat of REM sleep, it dies. Humans can't even complete studies where REM sleep is eliminated because it's too hard on their mental health. 

That's what we do when we drink, though.

We starve our brains of the restorative rest that we need.

 Even ONE drink can reduce your REM sleep from an average of 2.5 hours to just 2 hours.

Four drinks? That plummets to a mere 30 minutes! 

Drinking alcohol is like setting an alarm for 3 AM, downing several coffees, and trying to sleep while jittery and anxious. It doesn’t support genuine restful sleep. 

 As a regular drinker, I thought I NEEDED wine to sleep. But what happened was I became reliant on it.

When we drink regularly, our brains become dependent on alcohol to fall asleep.

Our brain literally forgets how to put us to sleep. So, on nights you don't drink, it seems impossible to fall asleep because your brain doesn't know how to do it anymore. 

Remember, the unconsciousness from alcohol (i.e. passing out) is NOT genuine sleep and massively impacts mental health. 

Freeing myself from the belief that I needed alcohol to sleep was a GAME CHANGER for me. Can you relate to alcohol hijacking your sleep?