What job are you assigning to alcohol?

To relax? 

To reward you? 

To help you sleep? 

To help you have more fun? 

To give you confidence? 

To cope? 

To get-through-that thing? 

To give you energy? 


What job are you assigning to alcohol? 


It's one of my favourite questions to ask clients because it really gets to the heart of why we drink in the first place. 


It also opens the door for another favourite question of mine... 




What if alcohol made you more anxious instead of more relaxed?


What if a bath or a great facemask or --insert your favourite treat here- made you feel better than a glass of wine? 


What if alcohol made you MORE tired and hijacked your sleep?


What if you were the most confident YOU without booze? 


What if living alcohol-free is what you need to cope? 


What if stronger boundaries were what you needed instead of pushing yourself to do it all and drink to get through? 


What if living AF gave you abundant energy and a clear head?




I'm never asking you to take my word for it. 

I want you to experiment. 


Get curious. 


We have so many reasons we like to drink and we assign A LOT of jobs to alcohol. But what if you've been wrong all along? 


I was. 

And what if being wrong and being open to curiosity turns out to be the greatest gift you could have ever imagined? 

It happened to me.  Maybe it will be true for you too? 

Go on then- tell us. Be brave. What jobs are you assigning to alcohol?!