When Does Not Drinking Get Easier?
"WHEN DOES IT GET EASIER?" I've got the answer for you, babe.
Not drinking gets easier when you find more pleasure in not drinking than you find pain in not drinking.
Not drinking gets easier when you realise you're sleeping better than you ever did when you were drinking. And you don't want to sacrifice your rest anymore.
Not drinking gets easier when you feel better than you've felt in YEARS.
Not drinking gets easier when your skin feels clear, and your body feels healthy and strong just because you stopped drinking.
Not drinking gets easier when you stop viewing it as a punishment and you start viewing it as the greatest gift, like, ever.
Not drinking gets easier when you realise you can have just as much fun without alcohol as with alcohol. If not, more fun! (Yeah, I didn't believe that one at first either.)
Not drinking gets easier when you don't want to drink it anymore because you know how it really makes you feel. Anxious and depressed. (That's just science, don't shoot the messenger, please.)
Not drinking gets easier when you realise that you feel like a better mother without drinking, and wine no longer feels like the ultimate reward for parenting.
I could go on, but I think you get it! As soon as you can tip the scales and begin to believe that this sobriety actually feels good, the easier it gets. Because the key to all habit change is making it feel so so so good!
I get asked all the time, "But HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE?" and that I can not answer because it's different for each and every one of us.
But I can tell you this, you'll never know until you try.