When my friend told me she was doing Sober September, I laughed at her and told her she was "no fun"


The first time I heard about "Sober September" was in 2019. I was at a time in my life where I was heavily reliant on alcohol as a coping mechanism, I believed it was my one daily reward, and that in order to have any sort of fun- wine or tequila was a must. It was one of my closest girlfriends that actually mentioned she was going to take the month of September off drinking. And you know what I did.... I made fun of her. Yep. I was rude and cruel to her. I think there were several dinners out where I begged her to "just have one." I was that girl, that all of us sober sisters fear and try to avoid.


I want you to know that I never ever thought that I would be in this position where I believed so fully in the incredible benefits of sobriety. Instead I used to believe, hard core, that anyone that didn't drink was boring and lame. "Who takes September off??? The kids have just gone back to school and I can finally relax from dealing with them all summer!" That was me. I couldn't even let one of my closest girlfriends off the hook for wanting to take a month off.


I've since gone back and apologised to that girlfriend. Looking back I can't believe I treated her like that, but it shows how much I relied on alcohol as a necessary part of my life.


Well ladies, Sober September is rolling around again. It's 4 years later than my first encounter with it, and this time I want to fully encourage any of you that are thinking about it to- just do it! You'll never ever get to experience the true benefits of an alcohol break unless you try! If you encounter a really annoying friend (like I was) who gives you a hard time about it REMEMBER- she might just be really struggling with her own alcohol intake, and need a break just as much as you!