You're never back at day one
If you FELL at mile 22 of a marathon, would you go back to the startling line? I am not a runner, but I am thinking NO.
Guess what, babe? You also don't have to stop the clock if you have a drink after a streak of not drinking. (I don't know who made that rule up, but let's toss it, shall we??)
If you usually drink seven days a week and start drinking three days less weekly, you've done 42% better than before. This is, say it with me, PROGRESS!!!!
Just because you've had a drink after a sobriety streak does not, I repeat, DOES NOT negate all of your hard work and progress so far.
This is a journey, and it looks different for everyone. Every single person has a different timeline.
It's important to remember that growth points (or, as one of my dear clients recently named them, "speed-bumps") can be super valuable and usually wind up being GOLD when working with a coach.
This is because we get to dive deep into your thoughts and behaviour before, during and after the drink- that way, you can avoid that particular trigger or circumstance in the future.
This is about designing a life that you love.
It's about creating a life you do not want to numb or escape from.
A growth point gives your coach valuable insight into what you can change to ensure you're not in a position where you feel like a drink is the only option.
But above all else, please remember this.
Progress is about more than the number of days. Progress is moving towards the ultimate goal of feeling better. And drinking less will get you there.
You're never back at day one.